Library of the House of Science – a modern environment for studies
The library and reading room are located on the 2nd floor of the House of Science. It contains 18 000 copies of the most popular and latest publications in medical sciences, as well as physics, mathematics, optometry, and more than 170 thousand e-resources. Books can be received, transferred or extended using self-service machines.
A self-service computer wall with 36 laptops is available. There are workplaces for individual and group work of students, where desks are equipped with adjustable lighting and sockets.
In order to promote students' acquisition of knowledge and skills in human anatomy, 30 models of human skulls are available in the library (possible to reserve electronically in the Primo system), while a human skeleton model is available for individual studies in the library's reading room.
Phone: (+371) 26532958
Skype: LU Bibliotēkas Zinātņu mājas bibliotēka