Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference on Medicine organized within the frame of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Medicina, Vol. 60, Suppl. 1, Kaunas, 2024.
ISSN 1648-9233
Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference on Medicine organized within the frame of the 81st International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Medicina, Vol. 59, Suppl. 1, Kaunas, 2023.
ISSN 1648-9233
Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference on Medicine organized within the frame of the 80th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Medicina, Vol. 58, Suppl. 1, Kaunas, 2022.
ISSN 1648-9233
Abstracts accepted for the International Scientific Conference on Medicine organized within the frame of the 79th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Medicina, Vol. 57, Suppl. 1, Kaunas, 2021.
ISSN 1648-9233
Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference on Medicine organized within the frame of the 78th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Medicina, Vol. 56, Suppl. 1, Kaunas, 2020.
ISSN 1648-9233
Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference on Medicine organized within the frame of the 77th International Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Medicina, Vol. 55, Suppl. 1, Kaunas, 2019.
ISSN 1648-9233

Latvijas Universitātes Medicīnas fakultātes starptautiskā zinātniski praktiskā konference "Inovācijas bērnu attīstības traucējumu diagnostikā un terapijā / Innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of children's developmental disorders", Rīga, 2018.
ISBN 978-9934-18-385-0  

Abstracts of the International Scientific Conference on Medicine organized within the frame of the 76th Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Rīga, 2018.
ISBN 978-9934-18-310-2

Abstracts of the International Medical Section organized within the frame of the 75th Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia, Rīga, 2017.
ISBN 978-9934-18-217-4

Latvijas Universitātes 73. zinātniskās konferences medicīnas sekcijas tēžu apkopojums, Rīga, 2015.