Extensive knowledge and modern study opportunities
The Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences (FMLS) of the University of Latvia offers study programmes that cover all important aspects in the fields of medicine and life sciences. Our students gain extensive knowledge through the use of state-of-the-art teaching materials and participation in practical classes that prepare them for a successful career in this dynamic and in-demand future.

Diploma recognised in Europe and endorsed by quality labels
The bachelor's and master's study programmes of the Faculty of Chemistry of the University of Latvia have been awarded the European Thematic Network Association (ECTNA) quality labels – the Eurobachelor in Chemistry and Euromaster in Chemistry.

Cooperation with industry
The faculty maintains close cooperation with the industry leaders and organisations that provide our students with real opportunities to develop their careers and gain the necessary experience in the labour market. Every student is offered internships in the faculties, institutes and various projects which give students the opportunity to work together with the professionals from specific fields.

Highly professional academic staff and guest lecturers
Our faculty employs highly qualified scientists, researchers and industry specialists with extensive experience and knowledge in their field. They supplement their knowledge by visiting partner universities abroad and attending various industry seminars. In addition, guest lecturers from abroad visit the faculty, providing our students with the latest knowledge in specific fields.

Training of future specialists
Several classes are organised for students to prepare them for studies at the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences of the University of Latvia. For example: School of Young Biologists, School of Young Doctors, School of Young Chemists, "8 Steps to Chemistry" lesson cycle (intended for 12th grade students). The purpose of the classes is to raise students' interest in acquiring knowledge and skills in the fields of biology, chemistry, and medicine. This is done in addition to what they learn at school. Students are led by our teachers and the most talented students. High school graduates get a certificate for active and successful participation in the schools of young specialists, for successful participation in classes, which gives additional points when entering the "Biology", "Medicine" and "Chemistry" bachelor study programmes of the Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences.