Currently there are more than 1000 foreign students studying at University of Latvia. To complete admission successfully, one has to pay attention to application deadlines, which can vary depending on the country of residence.
Full list of study programme offer with admission requirements and all other relevant information.
For bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral study programmes, the citizens of non-EU/EEA countries and citizens of visa-free countries must to apply until 20.06.2024, however, if you are an EU and EEA citizen, your application must be submitted until 23.07.2024. Citizens of the countries with additional assessment must submit their applications until 16.05.2024.
The University of Latvia also provides two professional study programmes – “Dentistry” and “Medicine”. Those interested in acquiring one of these programmes, are welcome to submit their applications until 16.06.2024 (citizens of non-EU/EEA countries and citizens of visa-free countries), or until 01.07.2024 (EU and EEA citizens). Citizens of the countries with additional assessment must apply until 28.04.2023.
If you have additional questions about admission procedure, you are welcome to inquire via e-mail studies@lu.lv or telephone (+371) 67034408 or (+371) 25456011.