AMBOSS is an online medical learning platform where medical e-materials are available in various formats, i.e. descriptions of medical terms, drugs and diseases, x-ray and microscope samples that can be zoomed in, etc. It includes a library and question bank prepared alongside United States Medical Licensing Examination guideluines. More than 17,000 searchable medical terms are available on the AMBOSS platform, as well as 200,000 cross-links between topics. There are tests, which are customizable, allowing users to choose the topics they want to repeat, the number of questions, and decide whether to use the clues that will lead the user to the correct answer.
AMBOSS content is created by an international team of over 50 physicians, using feedback from medical students. The editorial team ensures that each article meets the highest quality standards in terms of content, structure and style. Entries are reviewed by at least 3 medical professionals and one copy editor prior to publication, helping AMBOSS to provide the most accurate clinical content. The platform Library and Qbank are constantly updated and expanded.
Access to AMBOSS is available not only from the browser version, but also through an online and offline app available on Android and iOS devices.
Trial access is available from the 5th of February to the 15th of March, 2024.
Registration landing page for AMBOSS for the UL Faculty of Medicine is available here.
A short Youtube tutorial about AMBOSS is available here.
Registration to a training webinar for AMBOSS on the 8th of February, 2024, at 16.00 o’clock is available here.
The Library of the UL invites you to use the e-resource and express your opinion about OSMOSIS and Complete Anatomy here or by sending feedback to the e-mail address info-bibl@lu.lv.